Welcome to the Easter Egg page!
Originally, this website used a restaurant template, and I really leaned into that theme. As I got a little more serious about my writing, I decided to clean it up, but I wanted to leave some remnant of the earlier version. Plus, I really love cooking and want to talk about it! So here it is, me as a chef.
Amateur at best, Brendan is more of a hobbyist chef. Between teaching high school and doing a bunch of other stuff, Brendan still finds time to read Food Wars! and make food, like this.
Oh yeah, Brendan is a high school teacher. I guess that didn’t really fit into the menu, because this is a ~portfolio~ website, and it’s hard to share teaching stuff without classroom visits. Anyway here’s more food!
I think I’m losing the plot a little on this page. Here, have a drink!
Delicious! So yeah, I do a bunch of stuff, and this website is a place to collect and share because that’s what people do these days. Congrats if you read this far, please enjoy a Feast of Fall Flavors!